The time with those pigs while they went through my car, finding the weed, us sitting on the curb with all the college kids walking by, staring, one yelling, "Go arrest real criminals," began my dissension from the whole marijuana scene. The pigs emptied the trunk. "Wow. WHOA!" they bleated, seemingly with glee and pleasure. "Gold," they must've thought. They accused us of selling, but honestly it was late, and if we were really selling, it would have been gone already - we were in a college town for fuck sake. I had a medicinal marijuana card, so all they could give me was a citation(dismissed in court weeks later. Stupid pigs.), and a warning that if we were found driving around, we'd get a DUI. They went their way disappointed. This scene caught the attention of a nearby house party crowd. One drunk guy beckoned us inside. "You holding any?" he asked. I had none but my friend had some still that the pigs didn't touch. They let us in, and we walked into a shitty attempt at a haunted house, guys and gals dancing to that damn techno shit. The guy led us to a table stalked full of liquor. "Come on, shots. Shots! Shots! Dudes," the guy hollered. My friend rolled a blunt for the excited kids. He then started dancing with a Latina. My other friend mixed himself a drink, with rum, jack daniels, topped with basically a pinch of soda. I filled a cup of beer from a keg and went in the backyard to smoke a cigarette. "How you get out of that situation?" a girl asked. She was a short brunette, and spoke with a heavy french accent. I told her about my medical marijuana card, and they couldn't do shit about it, and that I was nervous cause they put the bags of weed on the street after raiding my car for all to see, someone could break into my car. She assured me not to worry. "No one fuck with your car," she said. She lit a cigarette. "I saw you sitting. Looking pissed," she said. She was drunk, standing in a seducing manner. "Those cocksuckers," I said, "always fucking with the free souls." She said, "You kept cool." I said, "Had to. They tried to piss me off. Got to always keep in control when dealing with cops." She leaned close to me, saying, "Fucking America."
She lost her balance a little and put her hand on my shoulder. "That's right," I chided, "fucking America. Land of crooks, badge or not." Her and I spoke for nearly an hour. She spent most of the time teasing me. But I didn't want her; she was drunk, a slut, and I could tell all she wanted was fucking weed. We did dance a bit, her body rubbing against my crotch(my first time freaking with a chick actually). I had my time with that slut, but no more. I told her to meet me in the backyard while I went to the bathroom and got another beer. Instead, after taking a piss, I took another shot, got my friends, and convinced them to leave. Much to their chagrin they left with me. We walked around more, then made our way back to my car and drove off, away from that ocean of drug consuming nimrods and drunk sluts. I don't care what anyone says, I didn't want to fuck that French slut.
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