Sunday, October 23, 2016

SOC #35: A fresh junkyard tomato (NaNo Prep)

The story may very well be considered a remake, because it's one that's been told so many times in so many other ways. It will be a story about a man stalking a woman. I bet people will say sarcastically, "Wow, amazing. I haven't read about that subject like one-hundred and fifty times." I could've had it about a woman stalking a man. Wait. That's been done many times over as well. How about a woman stalking another woman? Yes, that story has been told a lot, but not as much, and there's hardly a story about a man stalking a man. I think I've seen that in a movie. Got one: The Fan with Wesley Snipes and Robert De Niro. But here's the thing, the story I have mixing inside me, getting ready to be cooked, is going to be told in an era where the one being stalked isn't a world renowned human being. Yes, the person has a kind of fame, but not in the usual way, not in the sense they had to get the exposure from some kind of elitist corporation by signing a contract. The person basically used an outlet that had barely been around for five years, created, uploaded, and stayed persistent, and now is able to make a living at it. Technology has taken a wonderful leap forward, and it has helped society. But, mind you, there is a cost. The cost is having a vulnerable, and fragile exposure to the point where a minor misstep -- a tiny, insignificant mistake-- that if misunderstood, or misinterpreted, can lead to a disastrous consequence. For example, Kim Kardashian -- HEY! stop booing, I'm trying to make a point -- not the fact she is famous for NOTHING! but what recently happened to her at a Hotel in Paris last month. She was robbed at gunpoint in her Hotel room. It was a fucking heist. A good old fashioned robbery performed by professionals where no one ended up dead. Why did it happen? How did it occur? Because she showed off pictures of her jewelry on Instagram. One of them being a ten pound wedding ring worth a fucking shitload of money. She even admitted her doing such a thing provoked the french thieves. "Publicity stunt," you say? Maybe, but I seriously doubt it. What would Kim gain out of it? Insurance money? She's already a millionaire. She already avoids paying her share of taxes -- never mind. I'm getting off track here, shit. Okay, let me think about the reason I was typing this...Oh, yes, the story I'm writing for NaNoWrimo next month is being told with the same old stalker-story formula, the new thing added to it being the stalker is using social media apps on his cellphone to track his victim. And he's doing it because of a misunderstanding that'll be revealed when it's too late for the girl. It's a typical narrative. The reader will be telling the girl being stalked , "Don't trust him," and "HE'S BEHIND YOU, STUPID!" Shit like that, I guess. Here's the point I'm trying to make: You can still build a fast car out of parts found in a junkyard. Even William Shakespeare got ideas from old stories, and moments in history to write his plays.

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